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Listening Script Latihan 8 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga

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Listening Script Latihan 8 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga | Selamat datang di zooba.ID, kali ini mimin akan menghadirkan Listening Script Latihan 8 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga. Buku SPM Erlangga ini banyak dipakai di sekolah-sekolah. Atas banyaknya permintaan, maka zooba.ID menghadirkan Listening Script Latihan 8 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga. Semoga bermanfaat.

Part I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 3.

Number one. Look at picture number one.
A.  The men are sitting on the boxing champions.
B.  One of them is not wearing gloves.
C.  The athletes are in the boxing ring.
D.  The boxers are taking a break.

Number two. Look at picture number two.
A.  The man is taking a picture of his child.
B.  The woman is taking a picture of her child.
C.  The child is sitting in a wheelchair.
D.  The parents are pushing a baby stroller.

Number three. Look at picture number three.
A.  They sell different kinds of bread.
B.  The couples are buying some bread.
C.  The bread is spread with butter.
D.  There are many people at the shop.

Part II. Questions and Responses
Questions: 4 to 7.

4. Man    : Who is going to be in charge of processing paychecks now?
Woman  : . . . .
A.  Yes, I have a credit card.
B.  The assistant accountant.
C.  It’s a complicated process.
D.  I can’t afford to pay it.

5. Woman  : Do you like this hot weather, or do you prefer the cold?
Man   : . . . .
A.  I have trouble with the heat.
B.  It’s just an allergy.
C.  Yes, I’m feeling much better.
D.  The sky turned golden and red.

6. Man    : How about a movie when we finish up here?
Woman  : . . . .
A.  Just 50 meters down the street.
B.  About a half hour more, I think.
C.  I don’t like horror films.
D.  That’s a good idea.

7. Woman  : When can you get me a copy of the most recent sales report?
Man   : . . . .
A.  Yes, they’re selling well.
B.  About four years old.
C.  Right after lunch.
D.  Two pages copied, please.

Part III. Short Conversations
Questions: 8 to 11. 

The following dialog is for questions 8 and 9.
Man  : Tommy called today. He’s in the hospital.
Woman  : Is he okay? I spoke with him yesterday and he was fine.
Man  : He had a motorcycle accident yesterday evening on his way home from campus.

The following dialog is for questions 10 and 11.
Man  : Do you think you could check the toner and the collator on the upstairs machine, too, Diana?
Woman:   Let me see what I can do.
Man  : Thanks. We’re having a seminar and everyone needs copies of the course booklet.

Part IV. Short Monologs
Questions: 12 to 15.

Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog.
In an effort to prepare for the move this Friday, we are asking for the assistance of all employees. Starting on Tuesday afternoon, we will be packing all non-essential materials. Boxes can be found in the storage area on the fifth floor. All non-essential  boxes should be left with Hari  Yuwono at the storage dock by  noon on  Wednesday. Suzanna is in charge of coordinating the whole process.

Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog.
At Auto Insurance, we want to be sure that you are well protected when driving. Therefore, we recommend the following safety tips. First, always remember to fasten your seat belt. Pay special attention when driving in poor weather conditions. Know your route, be sure your vehicle is properly maintained and be sure  to turn off your mobile phone or to use a hands-free device so as not to be distracted when driving. If you have questions about these or other safety tips, please contact Auto Insurance. 

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  1. Listening Script Latihan 1 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga
  2. Listening Script Latihan 2 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga
  3. Listening Script Latihan 3 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga
  4. Listening Script Latihan 4 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga
  5. Listening Script Latihan 5 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga
  6. Listening Script Latihan 6 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga
  7. Listening Script Latihan 7 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga
  8. Listening Script Latihan 8 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga
  9. Listening Script Latihan 9 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga
  10. Listening Script Latihan 10 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga

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