Listening Script Latihan 7 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga

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Part I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 3.
Number one. Look at picture number one.
A. The car needs a repair.
B. I took the car to the local garage.
C. The mechanic is repairing a car.
D. The man is lying on his stomach.
Number two. Look at picture number two.
A. Two women are holding wireless microphones.
B. The speaker is sitting near a big screen.
C. The three women are singing together.
D. The screen is connected to a desktop computer.
Number three. Look at picture number three.
A. The children are having fun in the amusement park.
B. The amusement park is very crowded with teenagers.
C. The Ferris wheel is spinning around the park.
D. All the swing seats are occupied.
Part II. Questions and Responses
Questions: 4 to 7.
4. Man : Have you met our new manager? What does she look like?
Woman : . . . .
A. It’s completely full.
B. Yes, I agree.
C. Yes, she seems very nice.
D. I set the alarm for 8 a.m.
5. Woman : How do you get to the university from here?
Man : . . . .
A. Take the number 10 bus.
B. It’s a long busy road.
C. The university isn’t here.
D. I got this from the university.
6. Man : What do you think of the latest survey?
Woman : . . . .
A. We took the test later.
B. I don’t think I’ll be late.
C. I had no time to read it.
D. My neighbor is a surveyor.
7. Woman : Why don’t you take a taxi?
Man : . . . .
A. Because I never pay my taxes.
B. The bus fare is less expensive.
C. Because he didn’t take it.
D. He is an experienced driver.
Part III. Short Conversations
Questions: 8 to 11.
The following dialog is for questions 8 and 9.
Woman: Do you have any recommendations for our business dinner?
Man : I’m not familiar with the city. Why don’t you ask the concierge at the hotel?
Woman: I don’t always trust their recommendations. I think we could find a spot from the internet.
The following dialog is for questions 10 and 11.
(Suara mesin mobil sedang dinyalakan)
Man : Oh no. I don’t remember where I left my mobile phone.
Woman: You brought it from the car when we went into the restaurant.
Man : Maybe I left it at the cash register when I paid the bill.
Part IV. Short Monologs
Questions: 12 to 15.
Questions 12 and 13 are based on the following monolog.
Man: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, and welcome aboard your Bali Cruiser Bus to Bali. This coach is scheduled to arrive atLovina Beach at four o’clock. You will have a two-hour stop at the beach followed by a one-hour dinner. Then, we will spend the night at Lovina Hotel. After breakfast tomorrow morning, we are heading to Denpasar with an hour lunch stop at Tanah Lot Temple.Please don’t forget the number of your coach when re-boarding. That number is four-one-one-eight. Again, the number is four-one-one-eight. Relax and enjoy your trip, and thank you for traveling Bali Cruiser Bus Lines.
Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following monolog.
Woman: Today, I’m going to give feedback on your presentations. I’m sure you want to convey your presentations perfectly because the presentations are 50 percent of your grade in the course. Um, first, let me talk about the topic. This is a basic computer course. So, for your presentation, please choose one of the theories from the course book and apply it to some present-day situation. And … you need to include some facts, as good examples of the theory you selected.
Demikian artikel tentang Listening Script Latihan 7 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga semoga bisa membantu dalam belajar dan memberikan manfaat lain. Temukan artikel menarik lainnya tentang Bahasa Inggris di zooba.ID
Part I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 3.
Number one. Look at picture number one.
A. The car needs a repair.
B. I took the car to the local garage.
C. The mechanic is repairing a car.
D. The man is lying on his stomach.
Number two. Look at picture number two.
A. Two women are holding wireless microphones.
B. The speaker is sitting near a big screen.
C. The three women are singing together.
D. The screen is connected to a desktop computer.
Number three. Look at picture number three.
A. The children are having fun in the amusement park.
B. The amusement park is very crowded with teenagers.
C. The Ferris wheel is spinning around the park.
D. All the swing seats are occupied.
Part II. Questions and Responses
Questions: 4 to 7.
4. Man : Have you met our new manager? What does she look like?
Woman : . . . .
A. It’s completely full.
B. Yes, I agree.
C. Yes, she seems very nice.
D. I set the alarm for 8 a.m.
5. Woman : How do you get to the university from here?
Man : . . . .
A. Take the number 10 bus.
B. It’s a long busy road.
C. The university isn’t here.
D. I got this from the university.
6. Man : What do you think of the latest survey?
Woman : . . . .
A. We took the test later.
B. I don’t think I’ll be late.
C. I had no time to read it.
D. My neighbor is a surveyor.
7. Woman : Why don’t you take a taxi?
Man : . . . .
A. Because I never pay my taxes.
B. The bus fare is less expensive.
C. Because he didn’t take it.
D. He is an experienced driver.
Part III. Short Conversations
Questions: 8 to 11.
The following dialog is for questions 8 and 9.
Woman: Do you have any recommendations for our business dinner?
Man : I’m not familiar with the city. Why don’t you ask the concierge at the hotel?
Woman: I don’t always trust their recommendations. I think we could find a spot from the internet.
The following dialog is for questions 10 and 11.
(Suara mesin mobil sedang dinyalakan)
Man : Oh no. I don’t remember where I left my mobile phone.
Woman: You brought it from the car when we went into the restaurant.
Man : Maybe I left it at the cash register when I paid the bill.
Part IV. Short Monologs
Questions: 12 to 15.
Questions 12 and 13 are based on the following monolog.
Man: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, and welcome aboard your Bali Cruiser Bus to Bali. This coach is scheduled to arrive atLovina Beach at four o’clock. You will have a two-hour stop at the beach followed by a one-hour dinner. Then, we will spend the night at Lovina Hotel. After breakfast tomorrow morning, we are heading to Denpasar with an hour lunch stop at Tanah Lot Temple.Please don’t forget the number of your coach when re-boarding. That number is four-one-one-eight. Again, the number is four-one-one-eight. Relax and enjoy your trip, and thank you for traveling Bali Cruiser Bus Lines.
Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following monolog.
Woman: Today, I’m going to give feedback on your presentations. I’m sure you want to convey your presentations perfectly because the presentations are 50 percent of your grade in the course. Um, first, let me talk about the topic. This is a basic computer course. So, for your presentation, please choose one of the theories from the course book and apply it to some present-day situation. And … you need to include some facts, as good examples of the theory you selected.
Demikian artikel tentang Listening Script Latihan 7 SPM SMK/MAK 2019 Erlangga semoga bisa membantu dalam belajar dan memberikan manfaat lain. Temukan artikel menarik lainnya tentang Bahasa Inggris di zooba.ID
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