Tugas M1 LA4 Task 2 Part 2 - Modul Profesional Bahasa Inggris
JAWABAN TUGAS M1 LA4 Task 2 Part 2
Modul Profesional Bahasa Inggris
Choose only one out of three topics
below to write a hortatory exposition text. Be sure to apply the things we have
just discussed in this module. List of the topics to choose
- Roles of TV for Learning
- Embedding soft skills in teaching-learning process
- Healthy food and creative thinking
essence of the goal of education is to develop people to have knowledge and
skills with independent and responsible personality. To support the purpose of
education, people must have hard skills and soft skills. hard skills can be
obtained instantly because it is knowledge, while soft skill is a non-knowledge
ability. Soft skills should be embedded in the learning process for several
skills cannot be obtained instantaneously by learners, this needs to be
inculcated at any time because soft skills are a habit that must be cultivated
over time over their innate traits. So the need of soft skill growth of
students from an early age and continue until the highest education.
In the learning process, growing soft skill of
students is very important because soft skill in the form of responsibility,
self-discipline, honest, friendly, ethical, creative, hard work and confidence
that will bring students to good emotional intelligence (Emotional
Intelligence). With good emotional intelligence, it will be able to assist the
students in searching for better and more complex knowledge.
skills are special abilities, including social interaction, technical and
managerial skills. This ability is one of the things that every student must
have in entering the workforce. Based on data adopted from the Havard School of
Business, the skills and abilities given in the learning bench, 90 percent are
technical skills and the rest are soft skills. In fact, the required thing is to
face the workforce is only about 15 percent of the ability of hard skills. From
these data, it can draw the common thread that in entering the workplace, soft
skill has a more dominant role.
on the reasons above, soft skill should be invested in the learning process as
the initial foundation to create graduates or human beings in accordance with
the purpose of education itself.
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