Listening UN 2014 SMK (Audio & Transcript)

Listening Section UN 2014 SMK
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In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Part I: Pictures
Questions 1 to 3
For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about in on the tape. They are spoken two times, and are not written out on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement - (A), (B), (C), (D) - that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Let's begin with number 1.
Part II: Questions Responses
Question 4 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question.
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III: Short Conversations
Questions 8 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversation twice. The conversations will not be printed in your test book. So you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
8. What is the dialogue about?
A. Office stationary
B. Handling phones
C. Someone's job activity
D. Arrangement of meeting
9. What does the woman want?
A. Attends her class for business subject
B. Serves her business colleagues
C. Leaves for Jakarta via Surabaya
D. Purchases tickets for her flight
10. What will the man do?
A. Finish his work
B. Lend his computer
C. Borrow the computer
D. Borrow the computer
11. What did the man do?
A. Looked for his cousin in Hawaii
B. Had a vacation in Hawaii
C. Joined his friends for vacation
D. Asked the woman to search his cousin
Part IV: Short Talks
Question 11 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following procedure.
12. What is the main purpose of the talk?
A. To explain procedures
B. To introduce a President
C. To teach a real estate class
D. To ask some questions
13. What should the participants do after picking up their text book?
A. Hand in their registration forms
B. Find a seat and sit down
C. Get a name tag
D. Take a packet of course information
Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following announcement.
14. What is being announced?
A. The opening of a cafeteria
B. The menu of the cafeteria
C. The menu schedule
D. The price of some food
15. Who will post the menu on each week at Monday morning?
A. The company
B. The cafeteria
C. The employee
D. The chef
This is the end of Listening Section
1. Perhatikan gambar dan dengarkan pilihan yang tepat dari audio untuk soal No 1.
A. The people are swimming in the sea
B. The family is running on the sand
C. The strangers are going into the water
D. They are racing at the pool
Narrator: Look at picture number one.
Gambar pada soal menunjukkan ada beberapa orang sedang berlari di pantai, kemungkinan itu adalah keluarga. Dengan demikian, pernyataan yang sesuai dengan gambar adalah The family is running on the sand.
Jawaban: B
2. Perhatikan gambar dan dengarkan pilihan yang tepat dari audio untuk soal No 2.
A. She is standing in front of the shelf
B. She is writing by the rack
C. She is sitting on a bench
D. She is standing next to the table
Narrator: Look at picture number two.
Gambar pada soal menunjukkan seorang perempuan sedang berdiri didekat meja. Dengan demikian, pernyataan yang sesuai dengan gambar adalah She is standing next to the table.
Jawaban: D
3. Perhatikan gambar dan dengarkan pilihan yang tepat dari audio untuk soal No 3.
A. The woman has short curly hair
B. The man looks very angry
C. The couple are wearing bracelets
D. The man has thick eyebrows
Narrator: Look at picture number three.
Gambar pada soal menunjukkan ada dua orang, satu laki-laki dan satu lagi perempuan. Pada gambar tersebut kita bisa melihat bahwa pria itu mempunyai alis yang tebal. Dengan demikian, pernyataan yang sesuai dengan gambar adalah The man has thick eyebrows.
Jawaban: D
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 4.
Woman: Shouldn't we check in with the receptionist.
Man: _________________ .
4. Narrator: The best response is .....
A. I didn't bring my checkbook
B. Yes, we should check it out
C. Yes, I suppose so
Si wanita dalam dialogue mengatakan "Shouldn't we check in with the receptionist." (bukankah kita seharusnya check in dengan resepsionis). Respon yang tepat untuk pertanyaan tersebut adalah Yes, I suppose so.
Jawaban: C
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 5.
Woman: Would you participate in our family gathering?
Man: _________________ .
5. Narrator: The best response is .....
A. Sure, I'd love too
B. Yes, I have lot to do
C. My family is not gathering
Dalam dialogue tersebut si wanita bertanya "Would you participate in our family gathering?" (Apakah kamu ikut berpartisipasi dalam pertemuan keluarga kita?) Respon yang seharusnya diberikan si pria tersebut bisa menerima dan bisa menolak. Maka, respon yang paling tepat adalah Sure, I'd love too.
Jawaban: A
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 6.
Woman: How do I get to the boardroom?
Man: _______________________ .
6. Narrator: The best response is .....
A. She is getting bored
B. Just walk around the corner
C. We don't have enough rooms
Pada dialogue tersebut kita mendengar bahwa si wanita menanyakan dimana lokasi rapat. "How do I get to the boardroom?" (Bagaimana saya bisa sampai ke ruang rapat?) Respon yang paling tepat untuk memberi tahu lokasi rapat tersebut adalah Just walk around the corner.
Jawaban: B
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 7.
Woman: Do you need some help with that package?
Man: _______________________ .
7. Narrator: The best response is .....
A. Yes, They have picked it up
B. Sure, thanks
C. Sorry, but I just can't help you
Pada dialogue tersebut kita mendengar bahwa si wanita menawarkan bantuan. "Do you need some help with that package?" (Apakah Anda memerlukan bantuan dengan paket itu?) Respon yang paling tepat untuk tawaran tersebut adalah Sure, thanks.
Jawaban: B
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 8.
Woman: What does your sister do in the office?
Man: She usually handles phone calls and arrangers meetings.
8. Narrator: What is the dialogue about?
Pertanyaan "What is the dialogue about?" (Tentang apa dialogue tersebut?) Dalam dialogue si wanita bertanya "What does your sister do in the office?" menanyakan tentang apa yang dilakukan saudarimu di kantor. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dialogue tersebut membahas Someone's job activity.
Janwaban: C
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 9.
Woman: Can I reserve two business-class tickets from Surabaya to Makasar for Sunday, 20.
Man: One moments please, I can book you on Jaya Airways leaving at 9 a.m on the 20th an hour layover In Jakarta.
Woman: Great, I'll take it.
9. Narrator: What does the woman want?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan "What does the woman want?" Dialogue tersebut terdapat pernyataan si wanita "Can I reserve two business-class tickets...." tentang pemesanan tiket. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah Purchases tickets for her flight.
Janwaban: D
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 10.
Woman: Do you mind if I use your computer?
Man: No, please shut it down after you finish.
Woman: I will, thank you.
10. Narrator: What will the man do?
Pertanyaan "What will the man do?" (Apa yang akan dilakukan si pria?) Untuk mendapatkan jawabnnya, kita bisa mengacu pada pertanyaan si wanita "Do you mind if I use your computer?". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Lend his computer.
Jawaban: B
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 11.
Woman: Hi, John. How would your vacation?
Man: It was excellent, I went to Hawaii with my cousin. We had a great time.
Woman: Lucky you. How long were you there?
Man: About a week.
11. Narrator: What did the man do?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan "What did the man do?" Pada dialogue tersebut kita bisa menemukan jawaban melalui pernyataan si pria "I went to Hawaii with my cousin." Jadi, si pria mengatakan dia pergi berlibur ke Hawaii Had a vacation in Hawaii.
Jawaban: B
Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following instruction.
Good evening everyone, welcome to Tanjung Real Estate Training Course. My name is Arif Hidayat and I'm a licensed Real Estate and Personal Director for Tanjung. At the end of our five week course, all of you hopefully would be able to pass Real Estate exam and become Tanjung agents. Here are somethings to note before we begin our training.
First, you need to hand in your green class registration forms at the table in the front of the room.
Then, go to the table against the right wall to find your name tag and a packet of course information.
Next, go to the table at the back corner to pick up your textbook.
Once you have done all these things, find a seat and sit down. When everyone's is ready, Our company president will say a few words.
After that, we'll head down to the conference room for tonight'S first class
12. Narrator: What is the main purpose of the talk?
Dalam procedure text tersebut kita mendengar instruksi atau prosedur untuk menjadi Tanjung agents. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks prosedur tersebut memiliki "purpose" tujuan To explain procedures.
Jawaban: A
13. Narrator: What should the participants do after picking up their text book?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan "What should the participants do after picking up their text book?" (Apa yang harus peserta lakukan setelah mengambil buku teks mereka?) kita bisa mengacu pada instruksi Jadi, instruksi "Once you have done all these things, find a seat and sit down." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Find a seat and sit down.
Jawaban: B
Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following announcement.
We are pleased to announce that the company will be opening its very own cafeteria for employers next month. Now, if you forget to bring your lunch to work, you won't have to leave the building to get a delicious and nutritious lunch. The cafeteria will feature sandwiches, soups and other delicious entrees at reasonable prices. Salads, snack, coffee, tea and soda will be available. Each week on Monday morning, the chef will post the menu on the bulletin board near the entrance. Our growth in the Industry this year has allowed us to make this much needed improvement to our work environment.
14. Narrator: What is being announced?
Pertanyaan pada soal adalah "What is being announced?" (Apa yang diiumumkan?). Pengumuman pada teks adalah tentang kafetaria baru. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah The opening of a cafeteria.
Jawaban: A
15. Narrator: Who will post the menu on each week at Monday morning?
Pertanyaan pada soal adalah "Who will post the menu on each week at Monday morning?" (Siapa yang akan memposting menu pada setiap minggu di Senin pagi?) Untuk mengetahui jawabannya, coba perhatikan kalimat berikut "Each week on Monday morning, the chef will post the menu ..." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah The chef.
Janwaban: D
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