Listening UN 2017 SMK (Transcript & Audio)
Listening Section UN 2017 SMK
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Part I: Pictures
Questions 1 to 3
Directions: For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about in on the tape. They are spoken two times, and are not written out on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement - (A), (B), (C), (D) - that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
1. Look at picture and listen to the audio
2. Look at picture and listen to the audio
3. Look at picture and listen to the audio
Part II: Questions-Responses
Question 4 to 7
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question.
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
PART III: Short Conversations
Questions 8 to 11
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversation twice. The conversations will not be printed in your test book. So you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
8. What does Kezia say about Jack's house?
A. It is a comfortable house.
B. She often visits her house.
C. It is next to her office.
D. She is familiar with it.
9. From the dialogue, we know that the woman is ....
A. energetic in running her business
B. travelling a broad
C. confident of winning the competition
D. proud of her own culture
10. From the conversation, we can conclude that ....
A. The woman likes collecting stamps
B. The woman has some French buddies
C. The man will send a letter to his friends
D. The man loves travelling around Indonesia
11. From the conversation, we know that ....
A. the woman will go to the symposium
B. the participants should pay for the symposium
C. there will be a lot of people coming to the Seminar
D. the woman works on a multilevel marketing business
PART IV: Short Monologue
Question 12 to 15
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short monologue. Each will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short monologue. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
12. What does the speaker give out information about?
A. What to buy in Malioboro.
B. When to arrive to AIun-Alun.
C. What to do in Kota Gedhe.
D. Where to go in Yogyakarta.
13. What do we know from the announcement?
A. They are having a picnic every year in Solo.
B. The announcement was given in Malioboro.
C. The next destination will be AIun-Alun.
D. The bus will go to Kota Gedhe at 1 p.m.
14. What should we do just before connecting the plug?
A. Put it onto the waste bin.
B. Unwind the cord to its full length.
C. Make sure the function switch is off.
D. Remove the shredder from its carton.
15. What do we know from the monolog?
A. To use the auto mode, turn the function switch to , mode'.
B. It is easy to use the shredder in auto mode.
C. It will automatically stop when all the paper has been shredded.
D. We need high voltage to operate the shredder.
This is the end of Listening Section.
Transcript Number 1.
A. There are few lamps on the bridge.
B. The traffic is very busy.
C. The water fountain is next to the bridge.
D. The bridge is above the sea.
Deskripsi yang paling tepat adalah jawaban (D) The bridge is above the sea. (dibawah jembatan ada hamparan air yang sangat luas)
Transcript Number 2.
A. The janitor is arranging a meeting room.
B. The workers are designing a building.
C. The engineers are discussing the blueprint.
D. The crews are presenting a project.
Deskipsi yang paling tepat adalah jawaban (C) The engineers are discussing the blueprint, (gambar dua orang yang sedang berdiskusi)
Transcript Number 3.
A. The trains are full of passengers.
B. A lot of people are around the railroad.
C. The women are sitting next to each other.
D. The people are queuing for the train ticket.
Deskripsi yang paling tepat adaiah jawaban (C) The women are sitting next to each other, (gambar beberapa wanita yang sedang duduk bersebelahan)
Transcript Number 4.
Woman : I got a horrible score in biology. I think the problems due to my frequent absences. What should I do?
Man: ______________
A. You'd better take a resubject.
B. You ought to improve your attendance.
C. You're supposed to change the school.
D. You should talk over It with me.
Jawab : A. Karena mendapat nilai jelek maka saran yang terbaik adalah mengulang kelas itu lagi.
Transcript Number 5.
Man : I think the use of the animal in the circus is very cruel. Do you agree with that?
Woman : _________
A. Sure. Every child loves the circus.
B. No. No one agrees is my opinion.C. Yes. It exploitates their right.
D. No, That monkey should not scrowl to the audience.
jawab: C. Pembicara kedua menyetujui pemyataan pembicara pertama bahwa penggunaan binatang dalam sebuah sirkus sangat kejam.
Transcript Number 6.
Woman : The air condition in this room is not working. Would you like me to open the window?
Man : _____
A. Sure. That's very kind of you.
B. Of course. I'll check it later.
C. No. Everyone is working on it.
D. Yes. Just turn the temperature up.
Jawab : A. Karena AC rusak, pembicara pertama menawarkan untuk membuka jendela agar ruangan tidak terasa panas. Maka pembicara kedua mengucapkan terima kasih.
Transcript Number 7.
Man : Sinta is going to celebrate her promotion tomorrow. Is everyone in the marketing department invited?
Woman : ___________
A. She created the invitation card by herself.
B. No. Unfortunately Mike's promotion is delayed.
C. The office consists of some departments.
D. Yes. They all want to come.
Jawab : D. Pembicara pertama menanyakan apakah para staf di bagian marketing dlundang pada acara promosi, pembicara kedua menjawab bahwa semua staff akan berangkat.
Transcript Number 8.
Woman : Where do you live, Jack?
Man : Well. It's nor far from the shoes factory near from here. A two stori house which is painted yellow.
Woman : Oh I see. I think I should pass it on the way to the office.
Jawab : D. Sesudah mendengar penjelaskan sang pria, wanita dalam dialog mengatakan bahwa temyata dia sering melewati rumah yang dimaksud ketika ke kantor.
Transcript Number 9.
Man : What would you do if you win this Asian cooking competition.
Woman : I plan to run my own business in culinary foods because I really want to introduce them to other countries.
Man : Wow! What a good plan you have. We'll support you.
Jawab : D. Isi dari dialog menyiratkan informasi bahwa wanita dalam dialog ini ingin memperkenaikan masakan Indonesia ke negara-negara Iain yang berarti dia bangga akan budayanya.
Transcript Number 10.
Man : I'm going to the post office this afternoon. Would you like me to get you something?
Woman : Yes. Could you buy me some postcards with the pictures of Indonesian tourists attractions for my friends who lives in France?
Man : OK. How many do you want?
Jawab: B. Dari isi dialog, wanita meminta tolong untuk dibelikan kartupos bergambar untuk dikirimkan kepada teman-temannya yang tlnggal di Perancis.
Transcript Number 11.
Man : Would you like to come to the seminar on a multilevel marketing business this Friday? It's free but limited.
Woman : This Friday? I really wish I could, but I'm the office representative for three days symposium.
Man : That's too bad. Maybe next time.
Jawab: A. Wanita dalam dialog tidak blsa menglkuti seminar karena mewakili kantor dalam sebuah simposium.
Transcript Question Number 12 refers to the folowing announcement
Questions 12 to 13 refer to the following listening script. The listening script:
Pay attention. For those who want to go shopping at Malioboro, please come back to this place at 1 PM. This place is called alun-alun. Now it's ten AM. If you are not here at 1 PM, we'll leave you because we will continue the tour to the next destination, Kotagede. Thank you.
12. Jawab : B. Isi pengumuman menyatakan bahwa para wisatawan diminta berkumpul dl alun-alun jam 1.
13. Jawab : D. Isi pengumuman menyatakan bahwa rombongan akan melanjutkan perjalanan ke Kotagede pada pukul 1 siang.
Transcript Question 14 and 15 refer to on the following procedure.
Packing up the shredder.
(1) Remove the shredder from its carton and unwind the cord to its full length.
(2) Place the waste bin on the firm level service in the stable upright position.
(3) Hold the main unit by holding each side and put it onto the waste bin.
(4) Make sure the function switch is in the off position.
(5) Connect the plug to the 220 to 240 voltage.
(6) Use the auto mode. Turn the function switch to auto.
(7) Lay the paper into the input tray. The micro switch you put into the tray would be pressed then the shredder will operate to stretch the paper.
(8) Once the paper has been shredded, it will stop by itself.
14. Jawab : D. Langkah ke 5 mesin dihubungkan dengan listrik voltase 220 sampai 240.
15. Jawab : C. Connecting the plug adalah langkah ke 5. Langkah sebelumnya adalah memastikan bahwa mesin dalam posisi off.
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